낭송자 Recitation
4K video with sound
24 minutes 32 seconds
Against the backdrop of modern housing estates on the outskirts of Berlin, two East Asian women appear as elusive figures that recite monologues about memories of migration, place and the notion of home. Creating a maze-like structure through sequences of walking, the film touches on the impressions of disorientation that one experiences in familiar spaces in a foreign place.one minute trailer ⇣

Directed and written by Jinyoung Kim
Cinematography by Kevin Park Jung-Hoo
On-location sound recording by Saebom Kim and Kevin Park Jung-Hoo
Performance on screen by Haeyoon Joo, Echo Tang
Production Manager by Saebom Kim
Production Assistant Sion Huh
Voice over narration by Echo Tang
Editing consultant, Derrick Wang
Original music, sound design and mixing by Christian Olsen
Colorization by Raphael Sandler
Translation from EN to FR Yoshimi Lee
Translation from KOR to FR Seeun Kim
Translation from EN to German Saebom Kim
German language proofreader and coaching by Tobias Arndt
Editing advisors,
Kevin Park Jung-Hoo, Chris Boyne, Vicky Sabourine, Hua Jin, Kinga Mischalska, Martin Verrault
Realized with the support of the Leonard & Bina Ellen Art Gallery as part of the competition Seeing and Not Knowing.Berlin residency supported by Canada Council for the Arts, Arts Abroad program
Produced while residing at ZK/U Berlin